Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jan 19th, 2011...The dreaded flight to Brussels- MSP-JFK-BRU

After finally making it thru security and getting all the bags checked in we had lunch quick and "Uncle Matt" who works at MSP joined us as well!   We then flew from MSP to JFK which was not to fun as Jaxon cried most of the way.  Due to some aiport construction we had to actuallt walk down stair out of airplane onto the tarmack and thru some wooden tunnels...NOT fun with two kids in tow (again, Margaret saved the day).  After a brief layover we were onto our next plane for an 8 hour plane ride from JFK to BRU....As you can see by the pics below, Aidan got to visit with the pilots and enjoyed his cuisine.  Thankfully the chairs layed "almost flat" and we were all able to get some sleep before landing at 9:20am (Brussels time) which is 2:20am back in MN...Yikes!  

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