Sunday, February 13, 2011

Catch up info

Well it has been hard to update this since we were without internet for 2 weeks after arriving.  So I thought I would just give a brief overview of all we have done and experienced since being here. 
Thankfully, the boys adjusted to the new time zone within a few days, amazing and a God send.  I need my sleep and so do they.  They are both doing great.  Aidan started school 5 days after we got here.  He started off going half days to school.  The teachers recommended he go all day, since a majority of kids his age stay all day.  He was not napping anymore at home without a struggle so the second week he started as an "all day child" and is loving it.  He gets to eat lunch with his friends, make bread and help set the table.  We are so happy we started with Montessori school and were able to continue that here.
Aidan had his first trip to a doctor on January 22nd. He had been complaining off and on since we arrived that his ears hurt. I figured it was just pressure from the plane because he complained on descent too.  Anyway he spiked a high fever and I assumed he had an ear infection.  We did not know how to find a doctor on a saturday so while Greg was in with Jaxon I ran across the street and knocked on a neighbors door.  An older lady answered and spoke English she was nice enough to call the doctor for me and help me get Aidan an appointment.  It turned out Aidan just had pressure built up but no ear infection, his fever continued for 3 days but then he was better.
Then on January 31st I came down with what was thought to be the stomach flu. After 8 days of "stomach flu" and having been seen by a doctor 4 days into it I saw another doctor provided 3 stool samples and was diagnosed with campybactor.  I am doing better now that it is February 13th.

Aidan with his two Teachers (English on left and French speaking on right).  They have been wonderful.

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