Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jaxon's first movie in a theater!

We finally found CARS 2 in English at a theater in Leuven and went on July 9th.  We went to a 5:15 showing, got there in plenty of time at around 4:45 p.m. After purchasing our tickets we proceeded upstairs to the theater area but before you get to the theaters you walk thru a mini grocery store.  They had sweet popcorn, nacho's, sandwiches, pop and M&M's and a variety of other snacks.  After our purchase of "dinner" all junk food, we went to our theater.  There were about 15 other people in the 300+ seats.  Jaxon has seen a lot of movies since we moved but this was his first theater experience.  On top of getting there to early, the previews started on time but stopped abruptly and we waited for about 10 minutes then more previews.  In addition there was a 10 minute intermission part way through the movie.  Both boys lost interest part way thru but Greg and I enjoyed it.  We did not get home till 8pm that night and as many of you know, past Jax's bedtime.

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