Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Aidan's 5th Birthday

Aidan's 5th birthday was celebrated on the 18th at Planet Kids with his friends. Planet Kids is like Adventure Park back home. He had some kids from school and other kids we have met thru various ways while living here. We did not see him for most of the party time; he and his friends were busy climbing through all the stuff. Jax wanted to climb in the big kid part too, but he spent most of his time in the ball pit.

Grayer and Jax.

Sydney, Honzik, Will, Isabella, Lena and Aidan getting ready for the next climbing adventure.

After the party we went to Mai-Tai for lunch and then home for naps.  After that we met Honzik and his family for horse back riding. Both boys got to ride and they loved it so much we are going again this saturday the 25th.
Aidan and Honzik waiting for their riding lesson.

Today June 21st, 2011 the sun sets at 10:45 in Belgium.  Greg got off of work early today and we attempted to teach Aidan to ride a bike without training wheels.  It is going to take a lot of practice. Aidan got many calls and skpe time wishing him a happy birthday, which he loved. For dinner he wanted chicken breast sandwiches which Greg made for him.  Then we had a Spiderman cake, ice cream with sprinkles and he opened presents.
Aidan likes my slide phone and I saw a pretend one at the store and got it for part of his gift. He opened it and said, but it's not real. What was I thinking, next year an iPhone I guess :).

Aidan at his school birthday celebration.

He holds the globe and walks around a candle for each year his is old.

The local grocery store cake was a little less than desired. It looked good, just a bit dry.

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