Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Aidan's 5th Birthday part 3 who wants ice cream.

Who wants ice cream?
Aidan singing happy birthday in French per him. I am not sure if it is really French, I have to check with my cousin Margaret.

Aidan's 5th Birthday continued

Singing Happy Birthday.

Jax got a new phone too.

Aidan's 5th Birthday

Aidan's 5th birthday was celebrated on the 18th at Planet Kids with his friends. Planet Kids is like Adventure Park back home. He had some kids from school and other kids we have met thru various ways while living here. We did not see him for most of the party time; he and his friends were busy climbing through all the stuff. Jax wanted to climb in the big kid part too, but he spent most of his time in the ball pit.

Grayer and Jax.

Sydney, Honzik, Will, Isabella, Lena and Aidan getting ready for the next climbing adventure.

After the party we went to Mai-Tai for lunch and then home for naps.  After that we met Honzik and his family for horse back riding. Both boys got to ride and they loved it so much we are going again this saturday the 25th.
Aidan and Honzik waiting for their riding lesson.

Today June 21st, 2011 the sun sets at 10:45 in Belgium.  Greg got off of work early today and we attempted to teach Aidan to ride a bike without training wheels.  It is going to take a lot of practice. Aidan got many calls and skpe time wishing him a happy birthday, which he loved. For dinner he wanted chicken breast sandwiches which Greg made for him.  Then we had a Spiderman cake, ice cream with sprinkles and he opened presents.
Aidan likes my slide phone and I saw a pretend one at the store and got it for part of his gift. He opened it and said, but it's not real. What was I thinking, next year an iPhone I guess :).

Aidan at his school birthday celebration.

He holds the globe and walks around a candle for each year his is old.

The local grocery store cake was a little less than desired. It looked good, just a bit dry.

Father's Day 2011

Unfortunately for Greg Father's Day was rainy and cool.  We hung around the house and watched Gnomeo and Juliet then after nap went to Fat Boy's Bar n' Grill. So, no great beach pictures.  The boys got him a Shaun the Sheep movie that has 10 episodes, we also spent time watching all 10 that day!

The boys all wore their Superman shirts for Father's Day.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Marbella, Spain June 8th-13th!

Our plane to Spain left at 0630, therefor we got the boys up at 0445 in the morning. They did really well that day considering how early we had gotten them up. Jaxon is usually not a good flyer, he does not like to sit in one place too long but he did really well thanks to DS, leapster and a dvd.
Shortly after arriving we got on our suits and headed to the Sea/Pool.

It was very windy the day we arrived. A storm had just passed thru a few days prior.

The boys were dancing in their chairs to the music as we waited for our lunch.

This is the large pool near the Sea.  There is also a kid water park and indoor pool that was warmer and a "quiet" pool closer to the main building.

June 9th we went to a local market. It was amazing we spent 2 hours there and only saw half the market. I got a lot of Christmas shopping done. Aidan and I got cool hats, Jax got a beach tennis set plus other stuff.

The boys also got Sponge Bob short speedo's at the market which they wore to the beach when we got back that day.

 June 10th we went into old town Marbella, there was a festival going on and had a parade of the big heads:

The Band.

Heading down to dinner.

June 11th we drove up the mountain to a town called Ronda.  It is home to the Plaza el Toros, the oldest bullfighting ring in Europe. They still hold fights there.

We also took a minute to take in a church, water fountain and a horse drawn carriage ride.
This is a church Aidan enjoyed.

This is how Jaxon looks a lot when he does not get his way, which is not very often.  He was having a major fit because he wanted to be carried. He won. He would walk in front of me screaming and all the people gave me these looks like pick him up already. I don't want to wreck everyone's day with a screaming child.

Enjoying a smoothie before starting our day in Ronda.

Famous old bridge in the town of Ronda.
Before heading home we had lunch at a nice restraunt, Greg had Bull's tail a local special and I had Sucking pig. We both liked our lunch very much. Jax had pizza and Aidan had shrimp.
 This is the Bull's tail.

For dinner we ate at a restaurant at a local beach that evening near Marbella. This is Greg's squid.

This is the beach we drove to. We played on the beach for a bit before having dinner.

June 12th we stayed at the hotel and relaxed by the pool. Here are some pics of the room and hotel area:

We had 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, it was wonderful. Plus a washer and dryer.

Our last dinner at the hotel. There were dancers and a singer.

June 13th our anniversary-13 years, back to Belgium.