Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March Madness

The boys and I have been very busy this month.  I have been taking a class 2 days a week at the Women's club called HINTS. The class offers helpful tips on living in Belgium.  Jaxon has been going to the daycare there which here is called a Creche and Aidan joined him for a week while he was on spring break.  This has been a great way to meet people. The class wraps up on Thursday this week, it will be different not having anywhere to be each week.

In addition to this we had our first dinner guests over this past weekend the 19th and 20th. Saturday the 20th we started the day with a birthday party for our new friend Grayer who turned 3. After the party we headed home for nap and then had Greg's coworker and his wife over for dinner. They are moving here in May from Texas. It was a wonderful evening and great to have company.

Sunday morning we went to the market in a town near Brussels. Had waffles and fruit there and bought fresh carrots and potatoes for dinner. That evening we had Mary and Christine over for Jaxon's birthday party.  Mary and Christine are like family to us we are so grateful to Margaret to have introduced us.  We again had a great evening. Jaxon was not able to blow out his candle but we will have another attempt on the 30th when my mom, aunt, sister and cousin come for a visit.

This month has flown by. We are still trying to plan a trip for June but many of the places we look at our booked up already. We have learned Europeans book way way in advance.  We will keep you all posted on our plans.

                                                       Greg said I should stick to my day job.

Jax is enjoying his cake!

                                                 He loves his new Bob teddy bear.

Jax also enjoyed some of the adult dessert.  Did someone say chocolate?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


March 9, 2011

Today the boys and I went to the women's club in a town about 20 minutes from our house. I was going to a neighborhood coffee group to meet some new people. After that we went to a toy store in a near by town called Waterloo. It is now about 1245pm, past lunch and quickly approaching nap time.  I thought about going back to the women's club to have lunch there but the ladies were playing bridge and I figured it may be very busy. So I opted to find a McDonalds drive thru and let the boys eat in the car so when we got home I could just lay them down. So we drove and drove and around 1pm we find the McD's. NO DRIVE THRU. It is on a busy road, no street parking available. I opted to just go home and make them lunch. Aidan was not to happy about that. We got home around 1:45pm. It is now 2:30pm Jax is awake talking in his bed, already checked him once and changed his poops. Aidan is watching his movie we rented from the women's club. I will never again try to find a place that I am not sure where it is when it is nap time.