Tuesday, April 10, 2012



We had an amazing time for our 2nd trip to Italy.   Fortunately we were able to stay for 7 days this time and really enjoy the sights, people and amazing cuisine!  We stayed at Via Frattina 122, which is a wonderful apartment recommended by some other expats.

The location was excellent with the Spanish steps just around the corner but many cafes, restaurants and shops in close proximity.   Here are some pics of our pad and the street in front

After getting settled we were off to find some dinner and found Alla Rampa where Aidan fell in love with the Salmon Pasta (He insisted we come back so he could order it again another night...we did).  Of course Jaxon enjoyed his favorite fresh Buffulo Di Mozzerella and almost every meal for the next week.   The food and wine were fantastic.

In the morning we met our wonderful guide Silvia Ferrari who took us through the Roman Forum as we had to reschedule our visit to St. Peters Basilica to Friday as they closed last minute for security reasons. Here are some pics from the Forum

The Roman Forum was absolutely amazing and Aidan loves his books with pics showing reconstruction of what it would have looked like.

Since we visited the colloseum last visit to Rome we did not go inside but since this is one of Aidan's favorite monuments we couldn't resist a picture!

On Thursday evening we wer lucky enough to attend the Pope's Washing of the Feet Mass at San Giovanni behind Amy and kids in this pic.   We did not get a chair but we were able to watch and record the entering of the Bishops and the Pope very up close.  Not sure the kids will understand the significance until they are much older.

Unfortunately a bit out of focus as I had to hold the camera as high as possible and could not see thru the viewfinder but yes that is the Pope.

OK.... Time for bed now so will update for remaining trip in coming days.... Stay tuned

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Update Jan 2012-March 2012

Well...  It seems we have got a bit behind on our blog so this will be a quick update for Jan, Feb and March!

In January we got back from visiting our family and friends back in the US over Christmas break and back to work for Greg and the daily busy schedule for Amy.  Greg took Aidan one weekend to the European Auto Show.    There was one major difference from the US auto show...No pick-up trucks and only a few smaller SUVs.   Aidan found this funky electric car that fits three

However Greg found a new car to buy....(Someday)

During the rest of Januaryy we also managed to take an overnight weekend trip to Disney Paris and Jaxon had Little Gym graduation.    We enjoyed the Military and Air museum in Brussels for the first Time

In February we got one day of snow and the kids enjoyed it while it lasted
In February we also got to experience Carnaval in the Flemish town of Aalst, Belgium and lets just say it was an interesting experience and we left before it got really crazy!  Other than Mardi Gras in New Orleans I am not sure there are many parades in the US quite like this :)   And YES those are dudes in the dresses.

In March we had lots of visitors... The Hallers came and we took a long weekend to Paris and they kids got to enjoy Disney Paris and see the sites of Paris together.   Shortly after the Hallers left Tony and Abby came for a week to visit and tour Europe.  

During Tony and Abby's visit there was lots of practice with Michael Jackson Dance on WII